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Mother Trees

Mon, Apr 04


Mother Trees

Our mommies are so important and need all the support they can get! Mother trees is a place to LOVE our mom’s, listen and provide a support space to grow through our obstacles together! It takes a tribe!

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Mother Trees
Mother Trees

Time & Location

Apr 04, 2022, 8:00 AM – 2:55 PM CDT

Mother Trees

About The Event

Swirl in never enough time?

Find yourself feeling people and energies around you?

Is this energy a lot to handle?

Not sure how to control this?

Many times it is because we are not feeling our own emotions or over feeling emotions.

Either way it can be very distracting.


In Mother Trees we will be creating more awareness of our ability to feel so we can support our growth and our children!


  • What an empath is?
  • How empathing works!
  • Tools to strengthen our awareness!
  • Meditation to harness the energy!
  • Collective Download Discussion

Event space will be open 30 minutes. However feel free to stay as long or short as your time permits. Just do the meditation or show up to share in the end!

All is welcomed!

Your YOU is so important!

Our mommies are so important and need all the support they can get! Mother trees is a place to LOVE our mom’s, listen and provide a support space to grow through our obstacles together!

It takes a tribe!

We are honored & ignited to watch you flower!

Zoom Link

Topic: Mother Tree's

Time: Monday April 4, 2022 @ 8pm CST

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