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Mother Tree's: Full Moon Tea Ritual!

Thu, Apr 14


Mother Trees Zoom

In this full moon ritual, you will be ingesting your intention so that it symbolically becomes a living part of you. This is a basic but powerful ritual that can be quite relaxing, enjoyable, and discreet. Especially when we don’t have a lot of time on our hands!

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Mother Tree's: Full Moon Tea Ritual!
Mother Tree's: Full Moon Tea Ritual!

Time & Location

Apr 14, 2022, 8:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Mother Trees Zoom

About The Event

The full moon in Libra on April 16, 2022, 'Pink Moon',This is the last big lunar moment before the eclipse season comes to shake things up, it’s a great time for focusing on balance.This moon is bringing tests and challenges addressing our darkest feelings, habits, and reactions. This means it is time to free ourselves of bad habits, obsessions and compulsions. This will lead to healing from a positive transformation of your emotions and relationships.

Ritual Tea Brew What you will need: A symbolic herb (in tea form) of your choice that represents your need, desire or goal A cup A spoon Boiled water

In this full moon ritual, you will be ingesting your intention so that it symbolically becomes a living part of you. This is a basic but powerful ritual that can be quite relaxing, enjoyable, and discreet. Especially when we don’t have a lot of time on our hands and are constantly surrounded by others!Let's gather an herb or herbs that represents your need, desire or goal for this evening!

Here are some examples!

Chamomile (for meeting life with calmness and gentleness) Holy Basil (for emotional resilience) Calendula (for passion and creativity) Dandelion (for achieving your wishes and goals) Peppermint (for purification) Rose (for self-love and compassion) Lemongrass (for optimism and open communication) Ginger (for getting in touch with your personal power) Ginkgo Biloba (for integration) Jasmine (for sensuality and sexual confidence) Mugwort (for increased intuition and visionary abilities)

NOTE: Do not mix or steap your tea before the event!

(Zoom Link at bottom of the page)

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I am the roots that connect the web of life.

I create the connection of love to all as we are one.

I am unity for today’s world.

I am.

This is the soil and stone that supports, nourishes and connects the love of our deepest dreams.  Dig in. Feel your roots with the support of Gaia’s Mother Tree’s uniting for the greater good of all.  We are all our special seed to the collective, not one seed in the same.  We support each other as our roots get stronger and our leaves get bigger.

Together we seed.

Together we walk.

Together we love.

Together we flower.

Looking forward to connecting our magic!

Always LoveLight&Magic!

Zoom Link

Topic: Mother Tree's

Time: Thursday April 14, 2022 @ 8pm CST

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